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Orianna Marie
Player ID: 152143
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 3
Initiative : 0
Defence : 0
Attack : 3
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Principle of Syntropy = 8
Principle of Light = 10
Transposition Principle = 10
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Battle stats
Won: 25 | Lost: 24
Honor: 1455
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I awoke in a wooden room with a little girl. I look down and see legs.....how unusual, for it wasn't always so.

My name is Orianna Marie. I seem to have forgotten most of my past, but this I do remember.

I once had long green hair that flowed past my waist and a beautiful white tail that shimmered with scales the color of pearls. My mother was a healer and I was in training to follow her. She spent hours teaching me to recognize all the healing plants and corals. How to treat various ailments of all the life in our Sea. She says that all the healers have beautiful white tails. She used to tell me, "The more advanced you get in your skills, the more your tail will shine like mother-of-pearl."

Father always told me to stay away from the ships in the graveyard. He said that the sailors there were angry and would hurt me if I got too close to them. I always tried to do as I was told, for I am a well behaved and quiet child.

I was looking for some coral to heal a starfish with a wound and found myself swimming near the graveyard. I heard a boy crying from the deck of one of the ships. I couldn't help myself, I had to see if I could help him. When I got close to him, I asked him what was wrong. He turned to me and held out his hand. I took it in mine and felt a sharp pain in my palm. The next thing I remember is waking up in the wooden room.

Will I ever get home?
Some of my creatures

Page 321 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
No One continues his trek through the blasted wasteland he has found himself in, leaving the crackling fire to burn alone without him. The land appears dead and the sky is dark. No One stumbles upon a cross roads of sorts with a well in the center, though he finds no life here, either. All he does find is harsh wind, thick dust, and more darkness...and a vase... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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